More info for Visa

Visa Information

Citizens of most countries require valid visa to enter Bangladesh. The Bangladesh High Commission in Canberra determines the type and category of visa and duration of stay upon receiving an application. The types and categories differ according to the purpose of visit, length of stay and bilateral arrangement with the country of the foreign national.

How to Apply for Visa

To obtain a visa the applicant must submit the following:
  1. Passport with minimum 6 (six) months validity.
  2. Filled-in visa application (DIP Form-4). (Incomplete application will be returned without visa.)
  3. Appropriate amount of Visa fee through Bank Cheque/Postal Money Order in favour of "Bangladesh High Commission, Canberra". Cash or personal check or company cheque is not accepted. For visa fee please see below.
  4. Two recent photographs (size: 45 mm wide X 35 mm high or close to this).
  5. Self-addressed pre-paid platinum express envelope or return pre-paid express courier.
  6. Relevant supporting papers depending upon the purpose of visit.

Requirements for Visa Application 

For any particular category of visa, all applicants are requested to submit one/more of the following documents along with the visa application form depending upon the purpose of the visit.
Tourist visa: Travel itinerary/air ticket reservation & accommodation confirmation.
Business visa: Invitation letter from Bangladesh Business Organisation/ Establishment or letter from local Business organization with ABN identification clearly stating the purpose of the visit.
Employment/Work visa: Letter of employment from the employer in Bangladesh and letter of concurrence from the concerned Ministry of Bangladesh Government/ Board of Investment (BOI)/ Bangladesh Export Processing Zone Authority (BEPZA).
NGO Visa: To work in a non-governmental organization (NGO), the applicant should furnish copy of letter of appointment from the concerned NGO in Bangladesh with attestation by the Bangladesh NGO Affairs Bureau, Dhaka. Or a letter of appointment from the concerned NGO in Bangladesh and “No Objection” certificate from NGO Affairs Bureau of Bangladesh.
Student visa: Letter from the concerned educational institution certifying the admission and Bank statement or Certificate of financial guarantee.
Investor visa: Letter of recommendation from the Bangladesh Ministry of Industries or the Board of Investment (BOI) or Bangladesh Export Processing Zones Authority (BEPZA), Dhaka.
Missionary visa: Letter of appointment from the Church and “No Objection” from the Bangladesh Ministry of Religious Affairs, Dhaka.
Diplomatic and official visa: Note verbal /letter from the concerned government office/Mission.
Media personnel/Journalist visa: If your are going to visit Bangladesh as Journalist (in order to produce video/TV/film/documentary or to make any report/interview for print or electronic media or for other purpose, etc.) you are required to fill-up a separate form “Application form for Foreign Journalist”, in addition to the visa application form. Please note that minimum processing time for this category of visa is 2/3 weeks.
Researchers: Require letter from the Institution, which sponsors his/her research activities and/or invitation letter from the organization/institution to be visited in Bangladesh. Please note that minimum processing time for this category of visa is 4 weeks.
For any other category of visa relevant supporting papers should be submitted along with the visa application form.
Please Note: Any misrepresentation of facts may lead to cancellation of visa at any time.

Visa fees 

Visa fees are determined on the basis of reciprocity with the country of the foreign national seeking visa. Please note that visa fee is non-refundable even if visa is denied or if visa application is withdrawn.
Visa application fees for all categories with Australian/New Zealand Passport:
Name of Country
Type of entry
Single Entry
Double Entry
Multiple Entry
New Zealand
Single Entry
Double Entry
Multiple Entry
Single Entry
A$ 128.00
Double Entry
A$ 168.00
Multiple Entry
A$ 240.00
*Fees are subject to change without prior notice.

Endorsement of  "No Visa Required"

The Bangladesh High Commission in Canberra also endorses "No Visa Required for Travel to Bangladesh" (NVR) to Bangladesh-origin citizens of countries in Australia, New Zealand, USA, Canada and Europe in their foreign passports. Their husbands, wives and children are also eligible for this service.  This endorsement allows the holder multiple entries into Bangladesh with unlimited duration of stay within the validity of the passport.

To obtain an NVR seal or endorsement, the applicant must submit the following:

  1. Australian/New Zealand passport on which endorsement is required. 
  2. Filled-in application form for "No Visa Required". (DIP Form-4) (Incomplete application form will be returned without "No Visa Required" seal).
  3. Two recent photographs (size: 45 mm wide X 35 mm high or close to this). 
  4. Bank Cheque/ Postal Money Order in favour of "Bangladesh High Commission, Canberra" for an amount of A$55.00 in case of obtaining the seal for the first time and transferring the same from old Australian/New Zealand passport to a new one. 
  5. For obtaining "No Visa Required" seal for the first time:
    1. In case of Bangladesh origin people: Origial Bangladesh Passport (valid or expired) OR Birth Certificate issued by the competent authorities of Bangladesh and attested by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bangladesh (as proof of nationality);
    2. In case of child born in Australia/New Zealand: Original Birth Certificate with a copy and original Bangladesh passport (valid or expired) of father/mother or Bangladesh national ID. 
    3. In case of foreign born spouse (Australia/New Zealand) of a Bangladesh Citizen : Original marriage certificate with a copy and original Bangladesh passport (valid or expired) of spouse or Bangladesh national ID.
  6. For transfer of "No Visa Required" Stamp from expired Australian/New Zealand passport to new Australian/New Zealand passport: Original expired Australian/New Zealand passport containing "No Visa Required" seal. 
  7. Self-addressed pre-paid express envelope or pre-paid return courier. 
  8. "No Visa Required" seal will remain valid as long as the Australian/New Zealand passport remains valid. 
  9. Basic Information (name, date of birth, place of birth) of an individual must be exactly the same in different documents (e.g. Bangladesh Passport and Australian/New Zealand Passport).
"Please enclose copy of all certificates/documents with the 'No Visa Application' form" 

Visa on Arrival/Landing Permit

Visa on arrival/landing permit is issued for the citizens of those countries, where Bangladesh does not have resident diplomatic Missions and they are also travelling from those countries. It is also issued for the citizens of a country, where Bangladesh has resident diplomatic Mission but they are travelling from such a country where Bangladesh does not have a resident diplomatic Mission.
Therefore, Australian citizens who are also travelling from Australia are required to obtain prior Bangladesh visa before their departure for Bangladesh as they are not eligible to get visa on arrival/landing permit at the port of entry (i.e. airports, land ports etc.) into Bangladesh. But, Australian citizens, who travel to Bangladesh from a country where Bangladesh does not have a resident diplomatic Mission, may be eligible to get visa on arrival/landing permit subject to the satisfaction of the Immigration Authority at the port of entry into Bangladesh.
Nationals of New Zealand, who are also travelling from New Zealand, are eligible to get visa on arrival/landing permit subject to the satisfaction of the Immigration Authority at the port of entry into Bangladesh. But the citizens of New Zealand, who are travelling from Australia or any other country where Bangladesh has a resident diplomatic mission, are not eligible to get visa on arrival/landing permit.
Since the issuance of visa on arrival/landing permit is entirely dependent on the satisfaction of the immigration officials at the port of entry after examining all relevant documents, Bangladesh High Commission strongly recommends the Australian and New Zealand nationals to obtain prior visa before their departure for Bangladesh to avoid any kind of inconvenience at the port of entry.
Moreover, the visa on arrival/landing permit is given for a period of maximum 30 days with single entry facility. Therefore, visitors who intend to stay more than 30 days or needs multiple entry visa should apply in the Bangladesh High Commission prior to their departure for Bangladesh.

Where to Apply for Visa/NVR

Applicants, who wish to apply for Bangladesh Visa or Endorsement of 'No Visa Required for Travel to Bangladesh'(NVR), are requested to send their applications along with other necessary documents by registered mail/courier addressed to:
Bangladesh High Commission
57 Culgoa Circuit, O’Malley
ACT 2606, Canberra
In that case, a self-addressed, prepaid registered return envelop must be sent with the application or arrangement must be made with courier for return service.
Please note: the High Commission is not responsible for documents lost or delayed in mail.
Applicants, who wish to submit their applications in person at the High Commission, are requested to do so between 9.30 am to 12.30 pm on the working days. No application in person would be received beyond this time except in case of emergency. Therefore, the High Commission requests all concerned (particularly those who are living in Sydney) to plan their travel to the High Commission, Canberra accordingly.

Processing Time 

Please note: For most categories of visas, except Journalist visa, processing period is at least five (05) working days.  Issuance of visa may be delayed if reference has to be made to Bangladesh for clearance. The High Commission may accept or reject any application for visa. No visa application will be processed unless specific requirements are met.
Please note: that after scrutiny of documents, the Consular Officer may request for an interview and / or submission of additional documents.

Mode of Payment:

  1. by postal money order/bank cheque payable to Bangladesh High Commission, Canberra or
  2. through Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT ):
    • Account Name: Bangladesh High Commission
      BSB: 032719
      Account No: 145274
      Bank Name: Westpac
      Swift Code: WPACAU2S  (applicable for overseas transaction only)
    • Please transfer the fee at least 03 working days before submission and attach a copy of the transaction with the form
Cash/credit card/EFTPOS/personal cheque/Company cheque are not accepted.

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